Volunteering at Bear Frolic

An event like Bear Frolic needs lots of people to make it work smoothly and this is where you come in!

There are many jobs that need dong over the weekend and we hope you will be willing to donate your time to make this great event a success.

Positions needed:

  • Event space setup/tear-down
  • Decorating
  • Hall monitors/chaperones
    • Hall monitors keep an eye on guests during the dance party to make sure they’re following the rules (ex: keeping naughty bits covered in public spaces, etc…)
  • Registration/Welcome Desk
  • Gogo Bear organizer and dancers
  • Mr Ottawa Bear organizer, helpers and contestants
  • Pool party bus coordinator
  • Board/card games organizer


Other positions may be added as needed.

Volunteers are expected to remain sober while they are working.

We maintain a VolunteerSignup app that you can use to sign up for the various positions.

Please be sure to purchase your tickets to Bear Frolic before volunteering or we will remove your entry in VolunteerSignup.